RE-ELECT KATHLEEN BAILEY for Mountain View Town Council
Kathleen Bailey has worked hard for the people of Mountain View over the last four years and is currently seeking the honor of your vote in the November 2021 election. She is a PhD candidate, adjunct lecturer, and research assistant in the School of Public Affairs at CU Denver, and a Faculty Associate-Research at the Naval Postgraduate School.
Here’s what is most important to me:

Community Development
Promote transparency and incorporate community outreach in all town processes

Lead residents and Town Hall toward more environmentally sustainable practices

Economic Development
Diversify the town’s tax base and attract businesses that residents might enjoy

Six-year Mountain View Resident
Hello, I’m Kathleen 👋🏻
I was born in a car on the way to the hospital in Cleveland, Ohio, and raised on a cattle farm to parents who both had PhDs themselves. As such, I learned to respect both the hard work of farm life and the intellectual rigor of academia. I believe that relationships are important, especially those that we have with our neighbors, and that having many voices at the table enriches the discussion and is both valuable and essential.