Business owner survey: The committee created a business owner survey to gauge satisfaction with the town, how we might improve our relationship with their business, and what capital and infrastructure improvements might be of benefit.
Diversifying the tax base: The committee met with the Wheat Ridge Economic Development Director as well as the community development director and principal at a development firm to discuss ways to diversify the tax base and attract businesses to Mountain View.
Seeking to hire an economic development consultant: The committee worked extensively on drafting a request for proposals (RFP) for ad-hoc economic development services and met with potential economic development consultants.
Façade improvement programs: The committee spent time researching other municipal façade improvement programs and providing recommendations on what a town program might look like.
I would like to see our town diversify its tax base and offer businesses in town that residents might enjoy e.g., a coffee shop, a brewery, etc.
I would like to see increased and continued engagement between the town and our existing businesses.
I would like to see our business districts along W.44th and Sheridan Blvd. increase their beautification efforts; I would support the use of matching funds from the town to achieve this goal.